Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Developing a Disaster Contingency Plan for the Education Sector – 1st National Workshop.

Last week was a very busy time with the Health Sector workshop on the 9th (see post below) and then the Education Sector workshop on the 11th. The two projects are at comparable stages of implementation and this second workshop was to enable stakeholders to review, refine and finalise the sectoral assessment undertaken by National Consultant Dr. Marie-Therese Purvis.

The workshop was well attended by head teachers and officials from the Department of Education and key responder agencies such as the Police and Fire and Rescue Service. The meeting engendered considerable discussion and productive exchange of views with the assessment being widely endorsed.

The meeting then had the opportunity to help design the format and identify the content for Emergency/Disaster Standard Operational Procedure Manuals which will form part of the final outputs of the Project along with the Sectoral Contingency Plan.

The Nation newspaper printed the below article on the workshop in its 15th March edition. Simply click on the photo below to enlarge and read the article.

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