Monday, February 8, 2010

Disaster Education and Awareness

Public education and awareness is a key aspect of the “Seychelles Disaster and Preparedness and Response Project”. Firstly it is important that general public awareness of disaster risk reduction as an issue is raised. Secondly it is important that the existence of DRDM, its location, role and ongoing work is better understood so that people and other agencies know better how to react and interact in disaster events. Thirdly, we hope in time and as the project rolls out that we can provide information that will empower individuals to take precautionary measures in the context of their own day-to-day lives that can improve their resilience, and that of their families, to disaster occurrences. Finally, it is important as a means of providing transparency on the project for current and potential future partner agencies so that they can see how work is progressing, the motivation behind it and the course that is charted. In this way it is hoped that cooperation can be enhanced and facilitated.

This blog was set up for the above reasons and the project management unit also periodically produces articles for the national press with the same objectives in mind. One such article was published in the nation newspaper on Monday February the 8th.

To read the article, simply click on the photo below to enlarge the text. Unfortunately the graphic did not reproduce very well in print so the original digital version is also reproduced in the sidebar.

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